Friday, April 26, 2013

 SONG RECITAL  AT  WAHNFRIED, McGREGOR Sunday 28th April, 3:30 for 4:00 p.m.

Two song cycles will be performed at the excellent venue in McGregor known as Wahnfried at the end (or beginning!) of Bree Street.  Berlioz wrote the first piece “Les Nuits d’Été” for piano but later orchestrated it. It is more often performed with orchestra but the piano version is very beautiful. The second cycle is by Turina which has 5 pieces, the first being for solo piano. The music is extremely Spanish and runs a whole gamut of emotions. It is called “Poema en forma de canciones”. There will also be a solo piano piece by Manuel da FallaDanse du Meunier which is part of the ballet “The Three-Cornered Hat” and of course, was originally written for orchestra. A very “flamenco” piece! There is also a beautiful Brazilian song.
The programme will be performed by Marcelle Volckaert, soprano and Sylvia Schulman, pianist.
Seats are R80 and booking can be made by phoning 072 601 1616